Thursday, September 21, 2006

Buck N Ruck

OK, nongirlfriend, happy now?

Buck N Ruck is a liquor store owned by the Red Coleman's chain of Dallas liquor stores. This one is on Industrial boulevard facing downtown beyond. Nongirlfriend's dad said this store has been there forever, and you can see the same mid-century corrugated roof style that was over on Mama's Daughters' Diner farther west on Industrial which I posted a couple weeks ago.
This place has fantastic signs. Not pretty, but interesting. Some of the more down-market (pun intended) strip joints in town are over in this area. Jail, booze, bail bonds and strippers: everything a body needs.

The taller brown buildings in the background are the Crowley (criminal) Courts building and the collective of structures that make up the Lew Sterrett Justice Center (or JAIL, if you want to get technical).

Driving up Commerce street toward Oak Cliff from downtown can be rather depressing, as they release the drunks into the blazing heat of the afternoon. You can always tell the ones that just got sprung. It's sad, but interesting.


Blogger Annie said...

Sometimes when I drive by places like you show and describe in this photo I take time to imagine what my life would be like if I were one of the people I see standing/walking around. I imagine what it would have taken to make that my reality.

And the truly terrifying thing is that it was quirks of fate or luck (which I built upon using more resources available to me) that gave me the opportunities I enjoy now instead of the lack of opportunities those people live with every day.

6:39 AM  
Blogger Meg said...

It's kind of a barbed-wire-tumble-weed part of town, isn't it?

3:02 PM  
Blogger Curly said...

Yes, it does look a bit down market, but all towns have their own little dusty corners.

Curly's Photoshop

3:21 AM  

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