Friday, March 30, 2007

Firework barrel of lavender

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Dirty Pool

See my dog upset the pair of mallards who have been hanging around the dirty swimming pool. Soon it will be warm enough to swim, and we'll have to get it all tidied up. Right now, though, when the trees are dropping their flowers into the water, it's something of a challenge to keep clean. I'm trying to discourage the ducks from nesting here, because my dog would love to gobble up some ducklings.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The triangular building and ziggurat belong to the Latin Arts and Cultural Center east of downtown. The large white building in the far distance is Baylor Hospital. The weird humpy thing in the foreground is a crash barrier between the lane I was in and the exit ramp that just split off to the right.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Adam Hats building which contains lofts. At Canton and Good-Latimer Expressway, East of downtown at the edge of Deep Ellum.

For years I lived in lofts elsewhere in Dallas but lamented the abandoned state of this building. I would often go see touring acts performing at Deep Ellum Live across the street, and thought this would be a prime building for re-purposing into lofts. Someone read my mind, at last, and converted this structure.

This photo was taken from the on-ramp from I-30 onto I-45. People who live in these spaces right by the roadway sometimes have their windows broken by ne'er-do-wells who happen by, bent on mayhem. Still, it's a beautiful building.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Radio dishes on a Deep Ellum rooftop, seen from an elevated highway ramp, just east of downtown. Photo taken Saturday, March 24.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Bryan Place Tower, as seen from a vehicle on I-45 (Texas Highway 75)(northbound Central Expressway)

Update: When I posted this photo earlier, I listed this highway as I-35, but Abraham Lincoln was so kind as to correct me. You should check out his excellent blog! My bad. It's funny that all these many years Central Expressway has been called 75 and I never made the leap to realize 75 was a state highway, not an Interstate. Silly me. I stand corrected. Thanks, Abraham!

Friday, March 23, 2007

The block immediately in front of me is being prepped for the erection of a new skyscraper. This photo was taken from Main Street and looks across the chasm to Commerce Street, which is heading East, to the left...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Scraping the bottom of the barrel...

My camera has been out of town with husband the past two weekends, and I'm running out of fresh images in my files. I'm going to have to go on a photo jag very very soon. This is a view up Main Street downtown, looking to the East with the late afternoon sun at my back. I didn't notice it at the time, but I like how the shadow of my buggy is in the foreground on the road.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Approaching downtown from the west, the lowering sun reflected back from the buildings. Forth Worth Avenue, Oak Cliff.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

WOO HOO! My 200th post at Dallas Diorama!

OK - this isn't the best photo, but the subject is rather nifty. This is the fire department station (fire house #18) on the North side of downtown on Field street. I think its tiered bays make for an interesting structure.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Yet another grand old building of the Belle Epoch downtown. This is the Wilson building, and it has been converted to lofts and condominiums. I'd love to live in this building, but I would miss my outdoor gardening space and I would hate to have to walk for several blocks for a pee-spot for my dog. Still, I can dream about living in such a marvelous bit of architecture.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I'm not sure who this statue downtown is in Dealey Plaza across from Old Red - John Neely Bryan? I'll bet Myron knows.

FROM MYRON, the go-to guy:
Nope, Myron didn't know. But Google tells all. It's George Bannerman Dealey, the namesake of Dealy Plaza. A bit more at Dealy Plaza History. With a photo from the other side of ol' George. It is written by one of Dealy's descendants with what I perceive to be a definite left wing view. In 1882 at the age of 23 Dealy, an employee of The Galveston Daily News, was sent to North Texas by Alfred H. Belo to determine the best site for a satellite edition of The Galveston Daily News. He recommended Dallas and was appointed general manager to start up The Dallas Morning News. Ain't Google wonderful?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Another grand old downtown structure from the early 20th century. This one's a survivor. Here's to timeless beauty.

Friday, March 16, 2007

I've posted this site before, but it was a well-lit, midday picture.

This is an old art-deco theater on Davis Street near Westmoreland which was a big church called Soul's Harbor for about 30 years. Most of the deco has been rubbed out of the facade, but it was a very grand thing, in its day. Now it's a Mexican Church. Anyway, I caught it right about sunset recently.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Keep looking up.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Old Red - the courthouse downtown

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Click on the picture and see how the little bumps on the leading edge of this under-construction building are actually people. This one freaked me out when I saw it, sitting at the traffic light. I was so happy I had my camera along that day.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Earle Cabell Federal Courts Building Commerce Street

One night I drove downtown and all the emergency lights inside this building were flashing - it sorta freaked me out.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Window washers on a downtown skyscraper from last Monday.

Amazing. This building was designed by brilliant architect I.M. Pei.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007


I've always loved this mid-20th century tile mosaic on the front of a downtown chapel. I don't know what denomination the place is, but I think the tile work is a lovely thing to come across at the heart of downtown on Main Street.

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Friday, March 09, 2007

JFK Memorial in front of Frank Crowley Courts building

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Magnolia Building downtown with Mobil Flying Horse

I've shown the Mobil Pegasus before, shot at night and shot from other angles, but I was sitting on Elm Street Monday at rush hour, waiting for the light to turn green, and I looked up through the sun roof of my chariot and saw it from an angle I'd never noticed before. Nifty!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Elm Main and Commerce portal to/from Downtown.

Here I was driving, facing east. Commerce is a one-way street which runs from West to East, Main is two-way, and Elm is one-way and runs East to West, the opposite direction we were heading in the photo. On the other side of this bridge is Dealey Plaza, where JFK was shot. Before the 1930s, the actual area where we are in this photo, along with the bridge itself, was the course of the Trinity River. The river was moved over about a mile as part of the massive public works projects that took place during the Depression and gave a great many unemployed Americans an occupation. The green containers are on a train that is passing over the bridge.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Take a Penny

Lots of shops and restaurants have a little penny bin at the register so people can drop off extra pennies and leave them for others who may be short a few pennies when it's time to settle up. I thought this little penny cup looked especially jolly made of pink ruled paper and hand-lettered "Thank You." This was at Luby's on East Mockingbird Lane Sweet!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Doodle Bug

OK, I'm scraping the bottom of my photographic barrel, here.

I'm working full-time during the week and in school on weekends from 8am through 6:30 pm on both Saturday and Sunday, so I need to get out and do a few photography sessions. For now, this will have to suffice. I doodle while I'm in class, which relaxes me and helps me to focus. This is the lunatic scribbling of an over-worked, stressed-out Dallas woman. Woo hoo!


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Photo from

This historic Dallas residence is for sale. I've always wondered about it, as it sits on the east side of 35 overlooking the Trinity River basin and downtown beyond. If I had half a mil to buy this and another half million for restoration, I'd be on this like white on rice. It could be a dream house, even if it is a little odd. Love it.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

This horse was eating candy, then spooked at the sound of my shutter. I sent the photo to the lovely lady pictured here, as she is the owner of the horse. I asked "what's brown & black & chicken all over?"

This horse is so retarded it's actually cute. And it's huge, too.


Friday, March 02, 2007

Ankle biter.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

If you thought today's billboards were too much...

This is a photo of billboards and sale signs from the early 20th century in Dallas. Sorry the best I could do was a photo of a photo. I thought this was really interesting.