Welcome to Dallas Diorama!
This blog is meant to showcase a few of the countless details that make Dallas so uniquely riveting. My other blog Fatale Abstraction will be maintained as per usual, and some Dallas images and stories will be culled from that resource to archive here as Dallas-specific events and images.
In particular, I am dazzled by the mid-century American "modern" design of which there is less and less as time progresses. Look in particular for great signs from the golden age of American neon, through the present, and interesting buildings.
For my first entry, I have chosen one of my favorite neon signs in town. The Good Luck Modern Trailer Court is a place where people park their RVs when they are traveling, and there may be some live-in trailer homes permanently parked there, too. Anyway, the whole point is that it's a totally groovy sign. And SO modern. I love it.
This place is on I-35 on the East side just North of I-20, between Wheatland and Camp Wisdom exits. I'd put this sign at about 25 feet tall. Enjoy!